Dear Friends & Colleagues
First we would like to thank you for tremendous response to Pune Trauma Operative Course 2023. We planned and executed it to best of our abilities and from the feedback we received, it was well appreciated by everyone.
One of the best advices that Dr. C. S. Ranawat always gave was that we should strive ‘To Be Better Tomorrow, Everyday’ and we intend to channelise PTOC through this. PTOC 2024 will be better and grander than PTOC 2023 in every aspect of the words.
The Theme of PTOC 2024 will be ‘Complex Fractures & Reconstructive Surgeries’ with an intention to cater to basic and advanced orthopaedic trauma surgery. Again the main theme of PTOC will be to highlight on Tips, Tricks, Traps & Techniques covering complex fractures. Fractures of Upper Limb, lower Limb and Spine will be included and principles of all will be discussed. Live Surgeries are the main attraction of PTOC and we would maximise this experience at PTOC 2024. We will have Mater Classes following each Live Surgery with Case-Based Discussions. Workshops arena will be optimised and we will bring more dedicated slots for workshops. ICLs and Fire Side Chats will touch on more detailed topics as per feedback received. Orations will include Experienced surgeons sharing their lifetime of work and experience with us. Detailed Keynotes Talks on specific problem areas by Prime Movers in Orthopaedic Trauma will be included.
We have branded PTOC 2024 as PTOC International and this is the major paradigm shift in PTOC 2024. We will have well known international faculty participating and sharing their ideas and thoughts with us. As we always believe Faculty is the key to any conference and for PTOC we have the best faculty from across the country who will be available to the delegates for all three days of the event to interact and discuss. More features like Instrumentcon, Virtual reality stations, Basic Skill Lab and many more things are planned.
This is the 18th Pune Trauma Operative Course and has come a long way over period of two decades. Pune as an academic destination has been unmatched and we are committed to put forward the best academic program for our delegates. We look forward to welcoming you all for this amazing event.