At Pune Trauma Operative Course 2025, the organizers wish to encourage more
delegates to present their work.
All Free Papers that are selected will Qualify for Dr. D. D. Tanna Best Paper
The Award is with a Certificate and Prize of One Lakh Rupees divided among tops
three papers.
- The deadline for submission of abstracts in any category is Feb 10th 2025.
- A delegate can make only 1 presentation.
- Only the lead author of the paper can make a scientific presentation at Pune Trauma
Operative Course 2025. Presenting author and no one else from the team gets a certificate
for presentation.
- The names of authors and the lead author cannot be changed after submission.
- Please do not mention name of author or institution anywhere in the abstract. It will lead
to automatic disqualification.
- The submitted scripts will be reviewed by a panel of experts in a blinded and coded fashion;
Pune Trauma Operative Course 2025 Scientific Committee will intimate the delegate about the
acceptance or rejection of the paper.
- The decision of the scientific committee is final regarding selection of your abstract for
presentation at the conference.
- The Pune Trauma Operative Course 2025 Committee reserves the right to withdraw a paper at
any time.
Automatic disqualification occurs if:
- Disclosure of author(s) name(s) or affiliation(s) directly or indirectly anywhere in the
text of the paper.
- Papers previously presented in Pune Trauma Operative Course.
- Plagiarized / doctored study.
Guideline for Abstract Submission
Scientific research that you have conducted can be
presented as Free Papers. If the paper is selected, then you will get an opportunity to make a
podium presentation of your work at Pune Trauma Operative Course 2025.
- The deadline for submission of abstracts is Feb 10th 2025.
- Only electronically submitted abstracts will be accepted.
- Abstracts must be written in English.
- Please proofread your abstract for spelling and grammar before submitting it.
- Abstracts must not exceed 500 words in length.
- Do NOT use all upper-case letters when entering your abstract.
- The abstract's tittle or author's names/institutions must NOT be inserted in the 'Content'
- No graphs, tables, photographs, or slide presentations are accepted.
- Abstracts will be published as one paragraph, so do not break your abstract into multiple
paragraphs. If you wish to use headings within your abstract, such as Introduction, Methods,
Results, etc., they should be added at the beginning of a sentence within the paragraph and
a colon (:) should be inserted after each heading.
- Indicate which one of the categories the paper may be included:
- ➤ Upper Limb Trauma
- ➤ Lower Limb Trauma
- ➤ Pelvi Aectabular Trauma
- ➤ Infection In Trauma
- ➤ Paediatric Trauma
- ➤ Miscellaneous
- It is mandatory for the author/s to submit on demand a Master chart of study data to Pune
Trauma Operative Course 2025 Scientific Committee. The master chart should be verified and
countersigned by the Head of Department in cases where the work has been done in a teaching
institute or when the manuscript is a multicenter study. Failure to produce the Master chart
may invite disqualification.
- Full text submission guidelines: The author/s should submit the full text of the abstract
within one week of the intimation of acceptance of the manuscript. It has to be a Word
document and divided into Introduction, materials and methods, Results, Discussion and
conclusion. The full text should be a maximum 4000 words excluding the references and figure
legends. The referencing should be standard Vancouver style. A maximum of six figures and 2
tables can be added and should be embedded in the word document. The manuscript should be
entirely blinded and there should be no mention of the author names, affiliations, etc.
If not registered